Our latest messages

Summer in the Psalms – Psalm 23

Jun 23, 2024

Psalm 23 - The Lord is my Shepherd, I have what I need.

Summer in the Psalms – Psalm 78

Jun 16, 2024

Psalm 78: 1-8 - We will share the goodness of God with every generation.

The Church – Church of New Seasons

Jun 2, 2024

When the head of the church is Jesus and the body stays aligned, The Church will FLOURISH!

The Church – Church of Invite

May 26, 2024

Our invitation isn't about having the right words or technique to fill seats, our invitation is an extension of the invite given to us for a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ

The Church – Church of Fellowship

May 19, 2024

Authentic church community is cultivated, it requires work and contribution and through that, God brings out the very best of His Church.

The Church – Church of Learning

May 12, 2024

A church that learns and matures together in God's word is a church that will be equipped, unified, and stable.

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Ways We Connect

Sunday Services

Our Sunday worship service is a great place to get started at LFC. You can expect a time of worship and a challenging sermon from God's Word. We also have ministry specifically for your kids! Join us at 10 AM this Sunday.

Ohana Groups

Life is just better in community and that's what Ohana Groups are all about. Find people and grow closer to Jesus in an Ohana Group.


There is a place for you at LFC!  From Youth, Kids, Tech, Worship and more, there is somewhere you can get plugged in.